I'm Maggie Jenson, and I am a Fitness & Dependency Coach helping you transform your bond with booze so you can live happier & healthier - without ever giving up Happy Hour completely.
I spent most of my life being convinced that I would suffer from addiction forever, unable to ever moderate or cut the obsessive ties I had with booze.
I suffered extreme depression and anxiety, and no amount of therapy, AA Meetings, or "Step-Working" as the 12 Steps Program would call it, brought me any new results.
In fact, traditional psychoanalysis therapy and recovery protocols are what kept my wheels spinning, getting the same results week after week, year after year, for almost 15 years.
And now, after utilizing methods in which I had never seen before, I'm highly successful at practicing the Harm Reduction approach, meaning that I can and do imbibe in alcohol when I feel like it would be a fun bonus during a celebration. I have increased my happiness levels, my performance levels, and my income all through learning how to control my thoughts and focus on my physical wellness.
I've completely reinvented my identity so that I'm no longer "Party Girl Maggie" - I broke up with alcohol and very rarely feel the temptation to even revisit it.
The best part? If I do decide to revisit my old friend, Alcohol, it's on my terms and I don't wind up blackout wasted yelling at my best friend.
Now I see alcohol for what it is, and by neither romanticizing it nor fearing it, I have control over my mental and physical health.
As an Adult Child of an Alcoholic (ACoA), I experienced the traumatic effects of alcohol on home-life starting when I was five years old.
Despite having seen the negative consequences of addiction first-hand, and even becoming a frequent flyer at AA meetings with my mom by my adolescence, I too began using alcohol as an escape after my brother's suicide when I was twelve.
I became Party Girl Maggie. I was constantly chasing the next level buzz and felt like I couldn't have fun, be fun, or find fun if getting blackout hammered wasn't part of the itinerary.
Ruined relationships, missed job opportunities, and even legal troubles like DUIs (yep- MULTIPLE) weren't ever "my fault" - I was always playing victim to my circumstances and living in the past.
Finally, I had enough.
After 15 years of drinking like a 300lb man in order to escape my pain and "find happiness", I implemented strategies that I'd actually never even seen in any traditional recovery protocol.
I took my mind off of my painful past and focused solely on my future.
I took the power away from alcohol, and I refuse to give it back.
We are not powerless to addiction, self-sabotage, depression, or anxiety.
We are POWERFUL & 100% capable of curing our addiction(s).